Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I've finally done it. Edits are complete on Relentless Blades: Volume 1 - The Scepter of Cymathu. It's hard to describe the mixture of excitement and trepidation as I type these words. It's been a long time coming. 

I've learned a lot, particularly how murky some English writing rules can be. Determining when made-up words and titles should be capitalized and not capitalized was more challenging then I thought. Add to it the myriad of options around how to display numbers, and these last few weeks for challenging.

However, I got through it. I'm now on to hiring a formatter to format my book for both e-readers and physical copies.

Getting excited!

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Relentless Blades Release Trailer

 Thank you to my good friend Jace Witman for this amazing Release Trailer.