Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Outline Breakthrough!

 As detailed in my last post, I've really been struggling with the sequel for Relentless Blades. I'm very much a "plotter" so for me to feel comfortable writing the sequel I need to know where the story is going. I know this isn't the approach all authors take, but it's my approach. 

Not only do I need to know where the sequel is going, since this is a planned trilogy, I need to know how the full story ends. One of my major pet peeves is trilogies/series that don't fit logically together. Where you can tell the author or filmmaker had no clue where the story was going, so you have books/movies that don't fit well together. A prime example of this would be the Star Wars Sequel trilogy. I can't stand that. It's important to me that the whole story flows properly. This has caused me six months of frustration. I've felt like I'm staring at a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle with an abundance of cool plot points, but without being able to put it all together in a satisfying way. 

I want to thank my sister for spending several sessions talking through my various plot points with me. She had some good insight, but beyond that, it was just good for me to talk through things to make myself understand what I was trying to do and where the story needed to go. 

I'm happy to say that I now have an outline for books two and three. Now that I do, I'm running the outline by my wife and a trusted friend to see if they point anything out that doesn't make sense. 

I already have roughly 30,000 words written on the sequel and I like most of it. I'm very optimistic that with an outline I like, I can really start hammering out the book. I finished the first full draft of Relentless Blades in about four months. I'm not sure if I can duplicate that, but am hopeful I'll have the first draft of Book 2 done by June 2025.

I have a title for Book 2 that I think I like, but am not ready to reveal that just yet. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


I have a confession. I have only written about 1,000 words for the Relentless Blades sequel since July. I wish I could write that I'm almost finished with it, but I'm not. I'm finding it difficult to write despite having plenty of dangling plot threads to follow. 

I will attribute part of this to the stress of promoting and marketing Relentless Blades. I severely underestimated the amount of time and mental energy I'd spend trying to get the book noticed. I'm constantly wracking my brain for new and creative ways to entice people to read it. I've got posts on X, Bluesky, various Facebook groups, Instagram and I even opened a TikTok account. Many days I'm so drained promoting that I don't have the mental energy to focus on writing.

I've reached out to various bloggers and review websites to try to promote the book. I'm running Amazon ads that I check and update almost daily. I've run special promotions through various websites like BookBongo and Robin Reads. It's like pulling teeth to get people to give a new, self-published author a chance. Obviously, on top of that, there is just a lot of competition in the fantasy genre and heavy hitters, with large followings, like Brandon Sanderson, Ryan Cahill, John Gwynne seem to churn out great fantasy regularly.

I think part of the frustration I'm feeling is because I know Relentless Blades is good, great even! That may sound boastful, but this isn't just coming from me. All the reviews so far have been overwhelmingly positive. I have links to them pinned at the top of my blog if you're curious. Russell Carroll - Author of Relentless Blades: Consolidated Reviews Because I know the book is good, and that most readers will enjoy it, it's extra frustrating at how difficult it is to get people to buy and read it. I suspect many, most even, authors feel this frustration. 

To add to it, I had some scammer sending me, and some affiliates, threatening emails demanding that I stop promoting the book. They threatened to hack the book and steal it and even review bombed it on Goodreads. Thankfully, Goodreads acted quickly to remove the harmful posts. Still, this got me spiraling and focusing on that, instead of writing the sequel.

I have this overwhelming feeling like Relentless Blades is my child, and I need to see it stand on its own two feet before I can let it go and move to the next book. What I mean is I want some sense that it can get traction in the world and generate sales organically, without my constant attention. I do understand that at some point soon, I need to let it go and focus, but it's been difficult getting there. 

Many Indie writers I respect all say the same thing, that the best way to generate interest in your work is to get at least three books out into the world. The bigger your catalog of novels, the more it will snowball with readers. This makes sense to me, and I know the best thing I can do is get to work on the sequel, but I'm still languishing.

This brings me to the larger source of frustration; I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sequel. In some form or fashion, I spent two decades plotting out Relentless Blades, so even though it was hard work, I knew the story I wanted to tell. Additionally, as a first novel, I intentionally kept the story fairly small scale and linear. I was cognizant not to bite off more than I could chew. With the follow-up, I feel the pressure to go bigger in terms of the plots and characters. This isn't because I feel I need to, it's a want. I want to explore some of the other characters who didn't have PoV chapters in the original.  like the back of my hand, but I don't totally know Alyndra or Everleigh or Fralic. It's exciting to explore them, but also daunting.

I feel confident that I'll get in gear and get going, but I'm not sure when. Hopefully getting this down and out of my system helps. The Holiday season has snuck up on me and with it, even more distractions, but I believe by the New Year, I'll get it done!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024

It's Alive!!!!

 After two long years, Relentless Blades is now available for purchase! I'm so excited for the world to finally get a chance to read my baby. To say this was a labor of love is an understatement. I'm so proud of this book and hope you all enjoy it. Thank you so much to my daughter, Isabel for creating this awesome book trailer. RELENTLESS BLADES: VOLUME I of THE PROPHECIES OF ZARUNE: Carroll, Russell: 9798335187640: Amazon.com: Books

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Relentless Blades Acknowledgements

With the release of Relentless Blades only two days away, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the people who helped make this a reality. Most people think of writing as a solidary activity, and in large part it is, but that doesn't mean it's done solo. There were many people who helped me along the journey.

Of course, I need to start by thanking my beautiful wife, Stefanie. She's fully supported me every step of the way. Self-publishing a novel is not cheap, and she never once balked when I told her I needed to spend money, whether that was to hire an editor, or cover designer or book formatter. Not every spouse would so thoroughly support their partner, and I don't take it for granted. 

Next, I'd like to thank my sister, Julia. Aside from my wife, she was my biggest champion along the way. She would be the first to tell you that fantasy, particularly gritty and dark fantasy, like Relentless Blades, is not her cup of tea, but like a trooper she read each draft chapter and offered me fantastic critiques. They say you shouldn't have friends and family critique your work because they won't give you honest, and tough feedback, but that wasn't the case with my sister. She let me know when something wasn't working, and I very much appreciate that. 

I was lucky enough to find two fantastic editors to work with as a fist-time author. Robin Connelly, with Saved by the Quill Saved By The Quill (wordpress.com) was my developmental editor and her insight and professionalism was fantastic. My first draft was over 122,000 words with many multiple points of view, and she helped me refine it down and get to the true essence of who my characters were, which is ironic in a way, since these characters had been with me for forty years.

Evelyn Cammon Home (readinkedits.com) was my copy/line editor and was incredible to work with. I probably drove her crazy as we debated whether to capitalize vragoth or not. She was patient and did an amazing job whipping my manuscript into a professional state. I owe both of them so much, and if you're looking for great editors, I can't recommend either of these ladies highly enough. 

To my beta readers (A.S Hardin, Dave Dolliver, Addie Olds, Dave Melbye and Randy Castro) I owe a huge thank you for taking their time to read my book, sometimes in a fairly rough state, and give me incredible feedback. I can honestly say that I found value in what every single one of them had to say. 

To my friends, Charles Garzoni (Vig), Jace Witman, Robert McKenzie and Forrest Latorre, thank you for all the nights we spent in the 1980s sitting around my parent’s dining room table drinking Mountain Dew, eating pizza, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. Our shared adventures inspired me. This one’s for all of you and the Stranger Things kids like us.


Friday, October 4, 2024

The Bard Reads Relentless Blades

 If you'd like hear Relentless Blades being read to you, please check out my youtube channel. (151) Russell Carroll - YouTube

I'll try to read a little at a time. By no means do I think I'd make a great audio-book reader, but I'm game to give it a try. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Relentless Blade Reviews - "A brilliant, fast paced epic fantasy adventure full of twists that’ll keep you hooked!"

I have my first official review from a website, SFF Insiders. I want to give a special thanks to Jonathan Putnam for reviewing it. To say I'm happy for my first review is an understatement. It's better than I could have hoped. Check it out!

Review: Relentless Blades by Russell Carroll — SFF Insiders

That's not my only review, however. Thank you to two of my ARC readers, Gemma Wells and Aurora Bauer for their fantastic reviews, which are posted on Goodreads. Please check them out! Relentless Blades (The Prophecies of Zarune, #1) by Russell Carroll | Goodreads

Outline Breakthrough!

 As detailed in my last post, I've really been struggling with the sequel for Relentless Blades. I'm very much a "plotter"...